Website Accessibility


If you have any comments or questions on points of accessibility please let us know. This statement does not cover the accessibility of our bars and venues. For information on this please get in touch.

The primary navigation links are available on all pages thereby making navigation of the primary areas of interest as easy as possible

A “breadcrumb trail” has been provided to further your understanding of your location in the site

We use headings sensibly to give our pages a good structure – if you are using the Opera browser you can cycle forward through all our headings by pressing the ‘S’ key or cycle backwards by pressing the ‘W’ key

All tables on this site have been written to allow screen readers to render them sensibly

All links can be followed in any browser, even if scripting is turned off

Where possible all of our links have been written so that they can be understood out of context. We always try to avoid “click here.

All of our forms have label controls that increase the clickable area of form items. Try clicking on the text that accompanies a form item and your cursor will automatically enter that field. This makes it much easier to control the small clickable items that are often found in forms. Please note: this doesn’t apply if multiple form items only have one label e.g. date fields that have day, month and year parts.

We have chosen our background and foreground colours carefully to provide as high a degree of contrast as our branding allows. However, because our colours are controlled from within stylesheets you are able to change many aspects of the page so that the text is more readable for you.

Our websites use relative text sizes; this means that you are able to adjust the size of the text to make it larger or smaller depending on your preference. For example, if you’re using Internet Explorer, you can make your default text size larger under the “View” menu, “Text Size”, “Larger” (or “Largest”). Or, if you prefer using Firefox or Opera, you can simply hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or Cmd key (Macintosh) whilst pressing the ‘+’ key to increase the text size or ‘-‘ to decrease the text size.

If your browser or browsing device does not support CSS stylesheets, we have ensured that the content of each page is still readable.

We have taken care to avoid flickering and flashing images and scrolling text. Some of our images do flash because we are keen for you to know about the offers contained there, however we have made sure that the flashing is at a minimum.

All the images we’ve used include a useful alternative description. Images that are pure decorative either have null ALT attributes or are included through the use of stylesheets.

Users should note that, although the site supports basic rendering for legacy browsers, accessibility features are optimised for users of Internet Explorer versions higher than 5.5 and other browsers complying with the W3C standards.

Opera is a free web browser with some useful accessibility features. For more information or to download please visit

Our sites have been built to render the full width of page content without requiring horizontal scrolling in browsers set at 800 pixels wide and larger.

Our sites have been designed to produce an acceptable hardcopy printout of the content in the browser. Please note; the printed page will not be a faithful reproduction of the web page. We have endeavoured to make the printed content as readable as possible and have therefore removed unnecessary items that clutter the page and use up your toner.

Our sites conform to the priority level 1 checkpoints of the Web Accessibility Initiative’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Where possible, level 2 and 3 checkpoints have also been implemented. The majority of the HTML code has been validated to XHTML 1.0 Transitional standard using the W3C Mark-Up Validation Service. Our sites also make extensive use of stylesheets, which have been validated using the W3C CSS Validation Service. Our sites are constantly updated and from time-to-time errors may creep into any page. We always endeavour to remove these inconsistencies as soon as possible, if you find any, please let us know.

Do you have trouble using your keyboard or mouse? Do you have difficulty seeing the screen? Do you have dyslexia or communication difficulties? Visiting the My Computer, My Way website may help. My Computer, My Way was created by AbilityNet. Please note: these links will open in a new window.